Monday, October 29, 2012

Inspired by the Journey

Have you ever traveled beyond your living room? It can be an exciting and invigorating experience! You don't have to go far. You can go places like New Zealand or Whales. Or you could go to the super market! Just get off your bum and do something fun. I prefer to travel as far and wide as I can though! I wish I was a guy so it was more safe for me to travel solo anywhere in the world I wanted to go. Unfortunately, being an independent female, the grocery store is about as far as exotic as my travels get around Orlando alone. I have had the opportunity to go to New Zealand twice now though, and from those experiences, I recommend everyone to do some international traveling! I plan to do so much more in throughout my life. Going by yourself, or with a small group, to places where everything is completely new and unfamiliar can be scary. I went to New Zealand to visit my sister who lives there, so the traveling was completely solo until I got there and met up with her. Then we did some road tripping, just the two of us, around the South Island the first time, and the North Island the second time. Anyone who has traveled in this way before, knows that it can be somewhat of a scary ordeal. You don't know where you are, where you're going, if your rental car's going to break down on you, or a number of things that could go wrong. However, if you've been in that situation before, you also know how freeing that is! Not having deadlines to meet, places to be, or any responsibilities. You just go with the flow and not worrying about where you're going because you could end up anywhere and it would be a great adventure. Traveling is one of my biggest inspirations and motivators as it applies to life. Don't worry about tomorrow or what's going to happen or what could go wrong. Pray, plan, and enjoy every step of the journey!

Monday, December 7, 2009


Morgan and I wrote a song called Haunted.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

class jingle

Here's the jingle we wrote. Tooth Brushin' Blues
We collaboratively wrote this jingle and added more parts along the way. We had troubles with timing and lag, but in the end figured out how to fix it or make it work. I had fun writing this and am looking forward to more projects like it in the future!

Friday, September 18, 2009

edited piano

edited piano

I started by moving parts around to make it flow a little better and put a comical affect to it. I moved "I like your other song better" to the end. Then i cut parts from the beginning out. Then I did the same to the end. I kept "Right now?" and moved it to the beginning. Then I cut, chopped, and pasted different piano parts to different parts of the song for a better flow. I also moved the "Ah!" to in between the two pieces. I edited Morgan laughing and duplicated it at the end. I did the same duplication method on the "Right now?"s at the beginning along with a short piano segment to make it seem as if I stuttered. After that I played around with different expressfx's. I changed the chorus affect in the first half and then the distortion affect in the second half. I changed the dynamics affect in the entire song. I used the "wah-wah" tool on the third "Right now?". I liked the way that sounded so I did the same with the ending laugh. To put the icing on the cake I finished by fading out the ending. Enjoy!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Thursday, August 27, 2009

the kids want techno

Here's my assignment! I hope you enjoy it! I'll try to remember an apple on Monday.